Author Archives: Dr. Kelli Sandman-Hurley

Reluctance is a Choice Dyslexia is Not - Reluctant Reader

Reluctance is a Choice, Dyslexia is Not

Lately, it seems like I have heard the term ‘reluctant reader’ more than usual. Maybe I am just listening more carefully, but every time I hear it, I am struck by the carelessness of the speaker using the term. Unfortunately (or fortunately), people who use that term are revealing much more about themselves than they are about the student they are labeling. 

Let me make my point by taking the time to understand the word, reluctant. So let’s start with a trip to the etymology dictionary (

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Sad child sitting on the floor - what to doif you suspect your child as dyslexia

Dyslexia and Advocacy: I Suspect my Child has Dyslexia

This article was originally published in Dystinct Magazine.

“I always viewed myself as the stupid slow kid who just couldn’t read or spell. I had minimal self-worth from an academic perspective, which quickly spilled over into the personal areas of my life, which in turn affected many of the choices I made, many resulting in negative behaviors” ~ Stacey

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