Author Archives: Dr. Kelli Sandman-Hurley

Misspelled Word of the Day – Day 3: growth

Misspelled Word of the Day - Day 3: growth

Reminder: The purpose of Misspelled Word of the Day is not to try to make everyone a perfect speller, the purpose is to learn from misspellings and then teach the student the misspelled word of the day while instilling an understanding of written language in general. The intention is not to teach students to spell every word in the English language, of which there are more than one million, the intention is to teach the student to think about words differently and learn to question, and understand word structure.

Misspelled Word of the Day – Day 3: growth Continue reading

Misspelled Word(s) of the Day – Day 2: -ion Words

Misspelled Word(s) of the Day  - Day 2  - ion Words

Reminder: The purpose of Misspelled Word of the Day is not to try to make everyone a perfect speller, the purpose is to learn from misspellings and then teach the student the misspelled word of the day while instilling an understanding of written language in general. The intention is not to teach students to spell every word in the English language, of which there are more than one million, the intention is to teach the student to think about words differently and learn to question, and understand word structure.

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Misspelled Words of the Day – Does and Goes

Misspelled Word of the Day - Does and GoesThe purpose of Misspelled Word of the Day is not to try to make everyone a perfect speller, it is to point out what we learn from misspellings and then how to teach the student the misspelled word of the day. Important note:  the intention is not to teach students to spell every word in the English language, of which there are more than one million, the intention is to teach the student to think about words differently and learn to question spellings. Continue reading