Author Archives: Dr. Kelli Sandman-Hurley

Dyslexia: An Adult Student Checks In

Dyslexia - An Adult Student Checks In with DTI

It’s no secret that my heart will always be with the adult literacy students I worked with prior to starting the Dyslexia Training Institute.  I have even written about the Adult Side of Dyslexia trying to explain the profound impact those students still have on me to this day. Luckily, here at DTI, we still get to work with adults and on some days, and usually the days when I really need a pick-me-up, we get an email like the below from a previous adult learner and today was one of those days in which I received an email that brought me to tears (all identifying information was removed):

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Dyslexia: Don’t Forget the Qualitative Data

Dyslexia: Don’t Forget the Qualitative Data - Dyslexia Training Institute

Data data data! Eligibility decisions and progress should be based on more than cold hard quantitative data because there is the equally important qualitative data that is more often than not, completely ignored in the decision making process. Qualitative data can include observations, miscue analysis, writing samples and observations of performance in timed and untimed situations.

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